Las Paletas

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Sugar-Free Ice Cream

Delicious Sugar Free Pomegranate Popsicles

Sugar-Free Ice Cream – Anything’s Possible with Las Paletas There’s no better way to celebrate than with fresh, natural ice cream. Therefore, we have created a range of sugar-free ice cream varieties. Firstly, our Banting dessert is perfect for those who don’t want sugar. Secondly, we have created the ideal Diabetic Ice Cream. Thirdly, you […]

Cold Pressed Orange Lolly

Cold Pressed Orange Lolly by Las Paletas Ice Cream

Cold Pressed Orange Lolly Importantly, all our Orange Sorbet Lollies are made by using the cold-pressed method. To ensure optimal ripeness. We source all our oranges directly from farmers in Citrusdal. Therefore, we ensure they are perfectly ripe and ready to juice. Firstly we wash every Orange. They are then pressed to extract as much […]

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